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The Institute for Theoretical Physics at the University of Ulm, with Professors Martin B Plenio and Susana F Huelga, invites applications for PhD and postdoctoral positions in theoretical quantum physics
The focus of our research is on
- the theory of quantum information, entanglement and coherence,
- diamond quantum technologies for sensing, QIP and simulation and medical imaging
- open quantum systems and control,
- quantum effects in biology,
- quantum many body systems and control, and
- quantum simulators in atomic, molecular and optical systems.
and more details are available at and at
As a member of the Institute of Theoretical Physics, you will be a part of a diverse world-leading team and will have the opportunity to work on challenging and important problems in quantum physics including the above-mentioned topics of focus. The group has a longstanding track record of successful cooperation with experimental teams in and out of Ulm. Collaborations within the framework on the Center for Integrated Quantum Science and Technology (IQST including local start-up NVision Imaging Technologies are also encouraged.
Applications can be submitted preferably before 15 January 2019 or otherwise anytime throughout the year at