PhD in Diamond Quantum Technologies

Application deadline: 

Monday, May 1, 2023

Job type: 


A PhD position is available on the topic of diamond-based quantum technologies within the research group led by Associate Professor Jarryd Pla in the School of Electrical Engineering & Telecommunications at UNSW Sydney.

The PhD will be focused on undertaking research into quantum technologies based on spins in diamond strongly coupled to microwave cavities at room temperature. This system can be used to explore a range of cutting-edge technologies, including MASERs (the microwave equivalent of the LASER) and ultra-low noise microwave amplifiers, as well as study fundamental physical phenomenon such as superradiance. This position is supported by an Australian-Government-funded project on room temperature diamond quantum technologies. The candidate will collaborate with other group members to design and construct experimental apparatus and perform microwave measurements to validate the devices and technologies. The outcomes of this project are expected to have applications in areas as diverse as defence (radar), space exploration (satellite communication), and fundamental research (spectroscopy).

The successful candidate will have opportunities to engage with the broader quantum ecosystem in the Sydney basin through the Sydney Quantum Academy, which provides scholarship extensions and top-ups as well as coursework opportunities for eligible students.
This position is open to both domestic and international candidates.

Applications should be sent via email to as a pdf file with the subject line “Application: PhD in Diamond QT” by May 1. The application should include a CV, copies of your university transcript(s) and degree(s), a brief cover letter stating your motivation for applying for the project and any relevant experience and the name and email addresses of two academic references that can provide letters of recommendation if requested.