PhD position in Multipartite entanglement research

Application deadline: 

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Research group: 

Job type: 

-M.Sc. degree in physics
-declaration of starting Ph.D. studies at the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics, and Iformatics, University of Gdańsk from 1 of Oct. 2018.
-knowledge of quantum mechanics certified by an appropriate exam mark.
-knowledge of English sufficient to read and create scientific article.
-Interest in quantum information

Description of tasks:

The project is called "Complex entangled states: production and analysis". It is focused on many-body entangled states, in which nonclassicality is exhibited with subcorrelations, i.e., correlations between subsets of constituents. Tasks performed by the PhD student include
-concept development and studies on novel, subcorrelation-based Bell inequalities
-research on apllication of generalized cluster states in quantum computing and efficiency of such calculations
-research on some error-correcting codes and and optical implementation of stabilizer operator measurements.
-study of sef-testing of chosen Bell inequalities
Contract terms and conditions
A valid application should contain
-a scan of MSc in Physics
- scientific CV including all nonstandard activities, such as competition participation, awards, etc.
-One or more recommedation letter
-Report on marks obtained during Bachelor and Master studies
-A statement of the following: "Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych zawartych w ofercie pracy dla potrzeb niezbędnych do realizacji procesu rekrutacji (zgodnie z ustawą o Ochronie Danych Osobowych Dz. U. 2002 nr 101 poz. 926 ze zm.)" ("I hereby agree that my personal data will be processed for the sake of recruitment for a Ph.D. position in accordance to the Personal Data Protection Act Dz. U. 2002 nr 101 poz. 926 ze zm.").
-Documents necessary to join the Physics Doctoral Studies or Interdisciplinary Doctoral Studies in Mathematical Modeling at the University of Gdańsk.

The documents shall be submitted until 10.09.2018 via e-mail at the address of head of the project, Tha winning candidate will selected on 15.09.2018. The work on project will start in Fall 2018, or Winter 2018/2019 after the nostrifiaction of the diploma, upon joining the PhD program. The candidate will receive a tax-free scholarship of 3000 PLN monthly for 48 months. The costs of arrival or the medical insurance cannot be covered.

By submitting the application, the applicant-the legal owner of the data- agrees that the data will be used, stored, and processed solely for the purpose of recruitment. The data cannot be passed in any way to any third party, not involved directly in the process of recruitment.