PhD position in numerical methods for open quantum systems with long-range interactions

Application deadline: 

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Job type: 

We are seeking a highly motivated PhD student to work on theoretical aspects related to the mathematics and physics of open quantum many-body systems. The research will focus in particular on:

- the development of numerical methods based on tree-tensor networks

- the simulation of open many-body quantum systems with long-range interaction

- the characterisation of quantum phases and phase transitions

This PhD position will be embedded in the Research Unit FOR 5413 ‘Long-range interacting quantum spin systems out of equilibrium: Experiment, Theory and Mathematics’ which is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). The Research Unit addresses questions concerning many-body quantum systems with long-range interactions. Its ultimate goals are the understanding, realisation and control of complex quantum matter possessing collectively enhanced yet robust properties with applications in emerging quantum technologies, such as metrology and sensing. It builds on the Center for Quantum Science at the University of Tübingen and seeks to establish a flourishing research environment that brings together an interdisciplinary group of scientists from experimental and theoretical physics as well as mathematics.

The PhD will be supervised by Prof. Dr. Christian Lubich (Department of Mathematics, and co-supervised by Prof. Dr. Igor Lesanovsky (Institute for Theoretical Physics, Candidates need to have a strong background in mathematics and physics, a strong academic record and commitment. They need to be committed to engage with all the members of the Research Unit FOR 5413 and to support and participate in the activities of the research group.

Applications should include a cover letter (including motivation for applying to this position), a CV (including publication list), a copy of the applicant's master thesis and transcripts (all collated in a single pdf file). Applicants should also arrange for at least one recommendation letter. All documents shall be sent to and

The offered position will run for at least 3 years. Review of the applications will begin on June 30th 2022. The position should start on October 1st 2022, but we offer some flexibility concerning the starting date.

The University of Tübingen is an equal opportunity employer. All members of the Research Unit are strongly committed to increasing the number of women in research and teaching and therefore strongly encourages women to apply. Applications from persons with disabilities will be given preference in the case of equal suitability.

For enquiries please send an email to Prof. Dr. Christian Lubich ( or Prof. Dr. Igor Lesanovsky (