PhD position in Quantum Sensing with micro-cavities

Application deadline: 

Monday, February 28, 2011

Job type: 

A three-year PhD scholarship within the field of quantum sensing is available at the Department of Physics at the Technical University of Denmark. The topic of the project is the theoretical and experimental investigation of a micro-cavity on a chip for the generation of quantum light to be used for sensing. The project is a part of an international collaboration with the Max-Planck institute for the science of light in Germany and Queensland University in Australia.

Spurred by the increasing demand on highly sensitive sensors in various sciences, optical systems that enable measurement precisions beyond what is possible with classical approaches by means of quantum technology are being intensely explored. Quantum sensing of various parameters beyond the standard classical limit have been achieved by a number of groups using quantum light, but all systems have been based on large bulk setups incompatible with real life applications. In this project we want to pursue a novel route to quantum sensing based on micro-cavities on a chip. The micro-cavities produce quantum light that can be used for the measurement of various quantities such as temperature, motion, position and rotation at sensitivities unreachable with conventional methods.

Candidates should have a master degree within optics/photonics, physics or engineering or a similar degree with an equivalent academic level. A background in quantum optics is an advantage. The candidate should have good communication skills in English – written and spoken, and the ability to work independently in a dynamical environment.

To apply please send your application by electronic mail including a short motivation, a CV, copy of certificate with grades, publications and/or thesis, references if applicable to:
Dorte Glass,

For further information please contact Ulrik Andersen, e-mail: