PhD position in quantum simulations with cold ion-atom systems

Application deadline: 

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Job type: 


Position based on full-time employment contract in the project „Compound atomic systems for quantum simulation”. The main task includes theoretical modelling of ultracold hybrid ion-atom systems. The position is offered to candidates who are willing to prepare and defend a PhD thesis based on their work in the project.

The requirements: The candidate should hold a Master degree in exact and natural sciences and have experience in quantum mechanics, numerical methods and programming. They will apply for PhD student status at the Doctoral School of Exact and Natural Sciences at the University of Warsaw.

Key responsibilities: The candidate will conduct research on the theory of ultracold quantum systems, i.e. hybrid ion-atom setups. The project topics include the dynamics of atoms in ion crystals, charged impurities in utracold gases, three-body recombination involving an ion etc.

Employment conditions: Full-time contract of employment as an engineering and technical associate. Remuneration of 7800 PLN per month including employer’s costs. Employment can start from 01.07.2021, and will last until 30.06.2024. Work will be conducted in the Institute of Theoretical Physics at the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw.

Mor details: email Krzysztof.Jachymski[at]