PhD position in "Quantum thermodynamics beyond the Markovian regime" at Trinity College Dublin

Application deadline: 

Saturday, March 31, 2018

Job type: 

A fully funded PhD position in "Quantum thermodynamics beyond the
Markovian regime" is available for a joint project between the School
of Physics, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, and the Department of
Physics and Astronomy, University of St Andrews, U.K. The work will be
jointly supervised by Profs. Paul Eastham and John Goold in Trinity
College Dublin, in conjunction with Dr. Brendon Lovett in the
University of St Andrews. The successful candidate must hold by the
start date a degree in physics, theoretical physics or applied

Details about the research groups can be found on their websites:

Thermodynamics and energetics of quantum systems (Goold):

Quantum Light and Matter (Eastham):

Theory of Quantum Nanomaterials (Lovett):

The project is a theoretical study of the thermodynamics of
non-equilibrium quantum systems beyond the weak-coupling and Markovian
limits. It entails the development of numerical and analytical methods
applicable to this regime, and their application to fundamental
questions as well as experiments. The ideal candidate will have
interests in quantum many-body physics, condensed-matter theory,
thermodynamics, quantum information, and numerical simulation. We are
looking for an enthusiastic and creative student who enjoys challenges
and new endeavours.

The position is fully funded for a period of 4 years. The successful
candidate will be enrolled in the graduate program at Trinity College
Dublin and may be required to spend up to two years working in St

Deadline for applications: 31st of March 2018 for start in Aug/Sept

To apply please send a CV and cover letter with the names of two
potential referees (letters are not required at this point) to, and Informal
enquiries to these addresses are also welcome.