We are offering a PhD position in Quantum Optics and Quantum Many-Body Dynamics within the newly established Emmy Noether research group led by Dr. Michael Hartmann at the Physics Department of the Technical University Munich.
We are looking for a highly motivated candidate who has ideally already gained some research experience in theoretical quantum optics, quantum information theory and/or condensed matter theory.
The research project will study novel possibilities for the engineering of locally addressable, effective many-particle Hamiltonians and the generation of entanglement in quantum optical devices. Here, one focus of the work will be on arrays of microcavities, each interacting strongly with atoms. The research is intended to pave the way towards the application of such devices as quantum simulators and will therefore also investigate the potential of local control and manipulations in many-body systems for studying novel physical effects these can give rise to.
The position will be funded by the Emmy Noether award of the group leader. The minimum salary will be 23 316 Euro per annum (67% of TVöD E13). The position is available immediately and we will accept applications until a suitable candidate is found.
We offer an active and stimulating research environment, strengthened by our association to the group of Prof. W. Zwerger, and strong national (Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics in Munich) and international collaborations including Prof. M.B. Plenio (Imperial College London). Intensive supervision by the goup leader and a dedicated postdoc will be offered. The group is located in the science park in Garching near Munich with the Walter Schottky Institute and the Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics in close vicinity. The Technical University Munich has recently received one of Germany's first Elite University awards.
The candidate will ideally have knowledge and/or experience in cavity QED or the numerical simulation of quantum-many body systems and basic aspects of quantum information. Programming skills in either Fortran, MatLab, C or Mathematica would be very helpful.
Further information can be found at: http://www.ph.tum.de/~gu32foq
Applications should be sent by email to michael.hartmann@ph.tum.de and should contain a 200 word summary of previous research, a cv, a list of publications (if applicable) and contact details (email) of two referees.