PhD position in theoretical quantum science in Luxembourg University

Application deadline: 

Monday, September 1, 2025

Job type: 


Research Proposal: Harmonic Oscillator-Based Quantum Batteries


Quantum batteries have garnered significant attention as a novel energy storage paradigm, leveraging quantum phenomena such as coherence, entanglement, and squeezing to outperform classical counterparts. While a substantial body of research has focused on finite-dimensional systems, particularly spin-based and qubit-based models, the potential of bosonic systems, such as harmonic oscillators, remains underexplored. This research aims to bridge this gap, emphasizing the unique advantages offered by continuous-variable setups, including scalability, and compatibility with realistic physical systems, in particular quantum optics and materials.


This research focuses on the design and analysis of harmonic oscillator-based quantum batteries, targeting their fundamental properties and practical implementations. Key objectives include:

  1. Expand Existing Frameworks: Extend concepts from finite-dimensional quantum batteries to bosonic systems, investigating how coherence and entanglement manifest differently in infinite-dimensional Hilbert spaces.
  2. Performance Analysis: Quantify energy storage capacity, charging power, and retrieval efficiency, with and without presence of decoherence and thermal noise, with and without disorder.
  3. Scalability and Architecture Optimization: Explore how coupling networks of harmonic oscillators enhance energy storage via collective phenomena. Understand how the connectivity structure is correlated with various proxies of efficiency.
  1. Preliminary Literature Review: Conduct a comprehensive review of existing research on quantum batteries, including spin-based and bosonic models, to establish a strong foundation for the project. This will identify gaps in the current understanding and inform the direction of future work.

  2. Theoretical Framework:

    • Adapt existing models for quantum batteries to the continuous-variable domain, focusing on harmonic oscillator systems and quadratic dynamics.
    • Develop protocols for charging and discharging, leveraging parametric driving, squeezing, and entanglement generation.
    • uncover correlations between efficiency / battery architecture and quantum information theoretic / quantum transport properties.
  3. Comparative Analysis:

    • Benchmark performance of bosonic batteries against well-studied spin-based systems under realistic conditions, highlighting their advantages and limitations.
  4. Numerical Simulations:

    • Simulate the charging, storage and energy extraction.
    • Simulate open quantum system dynamics to analyze the impact of environmental factors, including dissipation and thermal fluctuations.
    • Perform architecture optimisation based on theoretical and possibly Machine Learning methods.
  5. Experimental Proposals:

    • Propose feasible implementations in realistic physical systems for possible experimental realisations.
Candidate’s Alignment with the Project

The candidate’s background in quantum physics in general, quantum optics, or quantum information science will be crucial for the success of this research. Experience in analytical techniques for closed and open quantum systems, numerical simulations (e.g., in python or C++ depending on the skills of the candidate), including possibly Machine Learning techniques (ability to quickly learn and apply), and familiarity or open-mindedness with experimental quantum platforms will strongly align with the objectives of the project. The candidate’s ability to bridge theoretical insights with numerical considerations will play a key role in advancing our understanding of bosonic quantum batteries. The candidate should be able to show a certain degree of independence in their research.

Application process

Applications should be submitted by email to The email’s subject should contain Application QUANCOM Please join to the email the following documents (in pdf format): - CV and publication list (if any) - Motivation letter (1 page max.) - Transcript of records containing the grades obtained during the master degree years

In addition, two reference letters should be directly sent to

Position details:
- Starting date: 1st of September 2025 .
- The gross salary per year is around 38.000 EUR.