PhD project in ultrasensitive integrated optical microresonator based biosensing

Application deadline: 

Monday, September 22, 2008

Job type: 

A PhD project to begin in late 2008 to early 2009 is available in the UQ Quantum Optics Lab in the area of advanced single molecule biosensing and biomechanics. This PhD project will focus primarily on developing a new ultrasensitive technique to monitor single small biomolecules in real time. This technique will be applied to study molecular dynamics of biologically relevant kinetic molecules. Ultrahigh quality integrated optical microresonators offer, in principle, a far more sensitive method to monitor such systems than any currently available.

Our group is in the School of Physical Sciences, University of Queensland. The University of Queensland is an international leader in quantum technology research, with a high concentration of pre-eminent researchers in the area and excellent research infrastructure. If you are interested, please email Dr. Warwick Bowen,

Brisbane is a vibrant city of 2M population with access to a wonderful sub-tropical outdoors environment; including the great barrier reef, the gold and sunshine coasts, hiking, and tropical rainforests.