PhD Quantum Communication Stockholm University

Application deadline: 

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Job type: 

PhD position in Quantum Communication

We seek for a talented and independent graduate student who wishes to develop her/his scientific career in a friendly and stimulating environment. This doctoral degree project will be carried out in the quantum photonics group led by Ana Predojevic ( The successful candidate should have interest in quantum technologies, specifically quantum information and communication.

The publications relevant for the topic of this project:
[1] M. Prilmüller, et al. Hyperentanglement of photons emitted by a quantum dot. arXiv:1701.08986 (2017).

[2] I. Straka, et al. Quantum non-Gaussian depth of single-photon states Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 223603, (2014); arXiv:1403.4194

[3] T. Huber, et al. Coherence and degree of time-bin entanglement from quantum dots. Phys. Rev. B 93, 201301(R) (2016); arXiv:1506.02429.

Interested applicants should apply using Stockholm University recruitment system. To apply for this vacancy, please go to
and click “Apply”.
The application requires submitting a CV, research statement, and 2-3 letters of recommendation.

Deadline: October 2nd 2018.