PhD research project on secure and verifiable distributed quantum compilation

Application deadline: 

Thursday, June 1, 2023

Research group: 

Job type: 


The project aims to optimally allocate available quantum and classical resources a developer needs for a specific algorithm, by breaking larger circuits into smaller pieces that are distributed to different quantum processing units in parallel, with few quantum connectives between them, and then recombining the results.
You will be supervised by Dr. Chris Heunen, pioneer of standard algorithms to distribute quantum circuits, and Prof. Elham Kashefi, pioneer of verifiable secure (distributed) measurement-based computation and NQCC Chief Scientist, with input from Dr. Marc Kaplan President of VeriQloud, a start up commercialising such solutions. You will be part of the Quantum Software Lab and the Quantum Informatics group at the University of Edinburgh.
As well as foundational science research, you will have the opportunity to work with VeriQloud and interact with other quantum computing companies through the National Quantum Computing Centre and the UK Quantum Technology Hub in Computing and Simulation.
Ideally you'll have some experience in quantum informatics, concurrent computation, formal methods, rewriting systems, and/or compilers, with a strong mathematical background.

We make efforts to provide an inclusive environment, welcome working with anyone, and especially encourage you to apply if you're a member of an underrepresented group. The position is funded by EPSRC through the UK Quantum Technology Hub in Computing and Simulation, and by VeriQloud, and provides 3.5 years fees and stipend for a UK student. For more information, get in touch with Chris Heunen ( ) and Elham Kashefi ( ) .
Applications are welcome at