PhD research studentships in theoretical and computational physics (Surrey, UK)

Application deadline: 

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Job type: 

PhD research studentships in theoretical and computational physics
Advanced Technology Institute, Theory and Computation (TAC) and Photonics Groups

The TAC and Photonics groups within the Advanced Technology Institute at the University of Surrey consists of approximately 50 researchers working on topics including III-V and silicon based light emitters and detectors, light-matter interaction in microstructured photonic materials, quantum computing with superconducting qubits, spintronics, and energy efficient photonic devices. The group benefits from strong interaction between experimental and theoretical activities.

The group is currently seeking applications for PhD positions in theory and advanced computation under the supervision of Dr Florescu and Dr Ginossar.

Research topics that are currently being studied in the group include
• Theoretical/computational quantum optics in periodic, quasi-periodic and disordered photonic structures with applications to novel types of optical cavities and waveguides
• Control of the thermal radiation through the use of microstructured photonic materials with applications to highly-efficient energy-conversion systems
• Enhanced quantum nonlinear effects in photonic band gap materials with applications to single-photon source, nonlinear wave mixing and resonantly enhanced optical transmission.
• The physics of artificial quantum devices, e.g. nonlinear quantum dynamics in circuit quantum electrodynamics
• Quantum engineering of superconducting qubits for quantum information processing

For a list of the proposed projects see

For additional information about research in the theory and computation group see

In all cases the successful candidate will be encouraged to interact with experimentalists working on the implementation of advanced functionalities in photonic materials and devices.

The studentship includes tuition fees and a tax free maintenance grant of £13,750 p/a for 3 years (subject to satisfactory performance). Eligible candidates should be UK nationals and residents, and should have a First Class undergraduate degree or Distinction at Masters degree level in Physics or a closely related field.

Informal enquiries may be directed to the members of the TAC group Dr Marian Florescu ( ) and Dr Eran Ginossar ( ) .

These posts are available for 3 years, starting immediately.

How to Apply
Please send CV to:
Mrs Julie Fletcher
Faculty of Engineering & Physical Sciences
University of Surrey

T: +44 (0) 1483 689859