PhD student positions in foundations of quantum mechanics / quantum information theory at the University of Gdansk

Job type: 

Application deadline: 

Saturday, June 30, 2018


We have an opening for two 27-month Ph. D. student positions in foundations of quantum mechanics / quantum information theory at the University of Gdańsk, Poland with starting date 1st October 2018.

The position will be financed under the project “Quantum correlations – from few to many particles” founded by the Polish National Science Center under BEETHOVEN programme.

Scope of research for the project include:

*Operational definitions and measures of multipartite correlations
*New improved procedures for quantum state reconstruction
*Many-particle entanglement detection with limited information on correlations
*Non-classical correlations being more robust to experimental imperfections and quantum metrology

The candidate must have a M. Sc. in physics (or in similar field) (on 1 September 2018, at the latest).

The stipend will be 3 000 PLN / month (tax-free) with access to travel funds as well.

Application deadline is 30 June 2018.

Applications should be sent by e-mail to They should contain: a copy of your M.Sc diploma (it can be sent later), a CV (including information about publications, prizes, trainings, participation in projects, other important things), a short description of scientific interests. Any inquiries should be directed to the same address.