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Quantum Optics laboratory of the Institute of Atomic Physics and Spectroscopy, lead by Prof. Janis Alnis, traditionally focused on precise measurements of light frequencies for optical frequency standards (optical clocks) probing atomic resonances with laser stabilised to a high-finesse optical resonator characterised by a femtosecond optical frequency comb up to 14 digits of precision. Also environmental monitoring of air pollutant gases with laser spectroscopy.
The current research in our laboratory is on optical microresonators, the so-called „whispering gallery mode” resonators (WGMR) that have high optical quality Q-factors not requiring any mirror coating and can be produced in house by melting silica microspheres. These resonators are functionalized with polymers for gas sensing and nanoparticles for applications as biosensors. Within the LQI project the PhD student will work on advancing the subject to make micro-ring resonators on chip in the cleanroom facility of the Institute of Solid State Physics and develop models using Comsol.
The second direction we currently pursue is WGMRs for microresonator optical frequency comb generation by the optical Kerr effect. This Kerr-comb allows to generate many optical carriers from a single pump laser, and together with the Institute of Telecommunications the PhD student will work on improving Kerr-comb for telecommunication data transfer. The applicant will investigate the microresonator surface functionalization with quantum dots to increase the efficiency of nonlinear effects.