PhD Position Available
Supervisors: Dr Daniel Oi and Dr Shashank Virmani
Computational Non-linear & Quantum Optics Group
Department of Physics, University of Strathclyde
One EPSRC funded studentship is currently available in theoretical quantum information. The applicant should have or expected to be awarded a minimum of a 2.1 or preferably first class degree in physics or a related subject. <!--break--> Details on stipend and eligibility are available on the EPSRC website ( We can only consider applicants with UK citizenship, or EU citizenship with a minimum of 3 years UK residency. Send as soon as possible a current CV and academic transcript to either or together with a cover letter.
Project Background:
Quantum information Processing (QIP) is a new scientific field that studies how information may be stored and manipulated in systems obeying the laws of quantum physics. This may lead to novel ways of information processing, such as quantum computation, cryptography, communication and teleportation. However, building a real QIP device is a formidable challenge requiring ultra-high precision control and robustness against noise. The project would look at several aspects including characterisation of quantum systems, and the impact of decoherence on the efficacy of quantum information processing.
For more information on projects in the CNQO Group,