PhD studentships available at Queen's University Belfast (Quantum Technology group at Queen's)

Application deadline: 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Job type: 


PhD opportunity at the Quantum Technology group at Queen's (

A number of fully funded 3-year PhD studentships (DEL and EPSRC) are available at the Centre for Theoretical Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (CTAMOP), Queen's University Belfast.

QTeQ has made available at least 3 projects to work on topics of quantum information processing under the supervision of Dr. G. De Chiara, Dr. A. Ferraro, and Dr. M. Paternostro.

Interested students are prompted to visit CTAMOP website

where the proposed QTeQ projects are accessible and instructions for the application are provided together with an online portal.

Further information on the projects, the application procedure and the research interests of the group are available from Dr. De Chiara ( and Dr. Paternostro (

Deadline for application: 8 February 2013. It is anticipated that all applicants will be interviewed.