PhD/Postdoc position (3 years) at Quantum Information Theory (TU Darmstadt, Germany)

Application deadline: 

Friday, May 31, 2024

Job type: 

We are looking for a PhD/postdoctoral researcher for the Quantum Computing research group of Mariami Gachechiladze at the Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany. The position starts on 01.08.2024 and is in the scope of the QuantERA II Programme, which has received funding from the EU’s H2020 research and innovation program under GA No 101017733.

Research area and topics: A successful candidate is expected to work on interdisciplinary projects within quantum information processing and the foundations of quantum mechanics. More specifically, the position is designed within a collaborative project COMPUTE --nonCommutative polynOMial oPtimisation for qUanTum nEtworks. See for more details.

We are a broadly interested theoretical research group, working on topics including:
* Multipartite entanglement theory and quantum networks
* Foundational questions in quantum mechanics (e.g., Bell’s theorem)
* Secure quantum communication
* Classical and quantum causal models
* Certification of quantum computation

We provide a generous salary based on the German TV-L E13 pay scale. Appointments will be for three years at 100% E13. Due to the fact that the research group is still young (with five doctoral students), its members receive optimal supervision and ample discussion time. Additionally, in the scope of the funding, we offer a vibrant international collaborative research environment with the groups of Prof. Marc-Olivier Renou (Inria Saclay (France)), Prof. Victor Magron CNRS-LAAS Toulouse (France), Prof. Igor Klep (University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)), Prof. Antonio Acín (ICFO Castelledfels (Spain)), and Prof. David Gross (University of Cologne (Germany)).

Qualification Requirements for a PhD position: While our group is affiliated with the computer science department, we welcome applications from students with backgrounds in mathematics or physics. Candidates must hold an MSc degree in one of the listed degrees at the time of hire. Candidates with high mathematical rigor and programming experience are especially encouraged to apply.

To apply for a PhD position, candidates should send a CV (including transcripts and the electronic contact details of two potential referees) and a short research statement to mariami.gachechiladze[at] with the subject: PhD application. The application deadline is May 31, 2024. Later applications may be considered.

Qualification Requirements for a postdoc position: The successful candidate must have an excellent proven publication record in at least one of the above-listed fields and have a Ph.D. in theoretical physics, computer science, or mathematics. Teaching and supervision experience is a plus but not a requirement.

To apply for a postdoct position, candidates should send a CV (including a list of publications) and a short overview of research interests to mariami.gachechiladze[at] with the subject: Postdoc application. Please include the electronic contact details of two potential referees. The application deadline is May 31, 2024. Later applications may be considered.

The position is limited to three years.

The Technische Universität Darmstadt intends to increase the number of female employees and encourages female candidates to apply. By submitting your application, you agree that your data may be stored and processed for the purpose of filling the vacancy. You can find our privacy policy on our webpage