Postdoc and PhD positions in Freiburg

Application deadline: 

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Job type: 

The newly established quantum information group at Freiburg University invites applications for PhD and postdoctoral positions.

We work on a broad array of topics in quantum information theory, many-body theory, and mathematical physics. In addition, we aim to strengthen our profile in other areas of applied math, in particular on problems related to compressed sensing, matrix completion and other topics in machine learning theory. Please visit our web site for further information.

While part of the Institute of Physics, we welcome applications from researchers with a background in math, engineering, or other sciences. We value creativity, mathematical rigor, and openness to interdisciplinary collaborations.

Remuneration will be according to the German TVL E-13 scale (100% for postdoctoral researchers, 66% for doctoral candidates).

Candidates should send a full CV including a short statement of research interests to Please include electronic contact details of two referees. Deadline is the 12th of February. Later applications will be considered in case not all positions will have been filled.

Albert-Ludwig University is an equal opportunity employer and encourages women and persons with disabilities to apply. The selection process is subject to the German equal opportunities act ("AGG"). Part-time appointments are possible.