postdoc and PhD positions / non-equilibrium dynamics of many-body quantum systems

Application deadline: 

Friday, December 22, 2017

Job type: 

We are offering up-to-3-years post-doc position to well qualified and highly motivated young theoretical physicist on a topic intersecting quantum simulations, cold atoms and quantum tensor networks, as well as a PhD-student opening, in the group of Prof. Jacek Dziarmaga, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland.

Positions are funded from QuantEra grant: Non-equilibrium dynamics in atomic systems for quantum simulations.
Realised in a European consortium: Paris (J. Beugnon), Saarbricken (G. Morigi), Trento (G. Ferrari), Krakow (J. Dziarmaga), Cambridge (Z. Hadzibabic), Newcastle (N. Proukakis), Zurich (T. Esslinger)

Where: Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland
Local team: J. Dziarmaga, M.M. Rams, B. Gardas ...

Postdoc: 10000 PLN/month (pre-tax).
PhD studentship: 4500 PLN/month (tax free), additional studenship of 2000 PLN/month for 2h/week of teaching.
Note that the cost of living in Poland is significantly lower than in western Europe

Starting date: Spring 2018 or as soon as possible afterwards (pending formal start of the project)

How long: up to 3 years

Application should include:
1) Curriculum vitae and list of publications
2) 2 letters of recommendation should be arranged

For further information or application please sent email to
Application is open until both positions are filled.