We are currently offering a postdoctoral position and two PhD positions to highly motivated and well-qualified young researchers who intend to enhance their scientific career in the field of Quantum Information Theory and/or Quantum Optics. The positions are associated with the research group of Barbara Kraus at the Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Innsbruck, Austria. The appointed candidates could start at their earliest convenience.
The positions will be funded by the START Award of the Austrian Science Foundation, recently received by the group leader. Research will be on fundamental problems in Quantum Information Theory, with special focus on the characterization of the entanglement and complexity of quantum many-body systems, as well as
the development of new theoretical tools for the generation and manipulation of multi-partite entangled states in specific experimental set-ups, like trapped ions or atoms in optical lattices.
A good background in Quantum Physics and Mathematics is desirable. Interested candidates should sent their application consisting of
* detailed curriculum vitae
* list of publications
* summary of the main research interests
* contact details, including email address, of two potential referees
in electronic from to Barbara Kraus, Barbara.Kraus@uibk.ac.at .
Successful candidates will highly benefit from the fantastic scientific environment at the University of Innsbruck. It hosts the theory groups led by Prof. Hans Jürgen Briegel (quantum information and quantum computation), Prof. Peter Zoller (quantum optics and quantum information), and the experimental groups led by Prof. Rainer Blatt (trapped ions), Prof. Rudolf Grimm (quantum gases), and Prof. Gregor Weihs (photonics). The Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, located in Innsbruck and Vienna hosts both, the experimental groups (Prof. Rainer Blatt, Prof. Rudolf Grimm, Prof. Anton Zeilinger) and theoretical groups (Prof. Hans Jürgen Briegel and Prof. Peter Zoller). For further details see www.uibk.ac.at (www.uibk.ac.at/th-physik) and www.iqoqi.at.