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Open position for Postdoctoral Fellow at the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) in the group of Asst. Prof. Dario Poletti.
We are looking for somebody with experience with Matrix Product States (or similar) to study the dynamics of manybody quantum open systems. We are particularly interested in building on problems of heat transport in ion chains such as
arXiv:1602.08411 or arXiv:1505.05942 (Phys. Rev. A 92, 023637 (2015))
Our group also focuses on ion chains, ultracold atoms in optical lattices and quantum heat engines.
SUTD is a new university based in Singapore and established in collaboration with MIT.
(Negotiable) Starting date would be September 2016.
Candidates must have, Bsc/MPhys Degree in Physics, PhD (or near to completion) in Physics related to the subject.
The post commences on or after 1st April 2016.
Feel free to write to for applications and inquiries.
For applications please send a CV and a list of at least 2 contacts for reference letters.
For more information
Dario Poletti ->