Postdoc & PhD positons in Theoretical Quantum Science (Innsbruck)

Application deadline: 

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Job type: 

We invite applications for Postdoc and PhD positions in theoretical quantum optics, quantum information, and quantum many-body physics, in the new research group led by Hannes Pichler at the University of Innsbruck and the Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information of Austrian Academy of Sciences (Innsbruck/Austria).

The research group focusses on theoretical quantum optics in the context of quantum information and quantum many-body physics. This includes the development of theoretical concepts (analytical and numerical) to describe quantum optical many-body systems, development of novel applications of state-of-the-art quantum technology, as well as collaborations with leading experimental groups working with Rydberg atom arrays, cold atoms, trapped ions, and photonic systems. (Recent publications can be found here.)

Candidates should ideally have a strong background in many-body physics, Rydberg physics, quantum optics and related fields, but outstanding applicants with other background will also be considered. Successful candidates will have the opportunity to work in an outstanding scientific environment at Innsbruck, as well as the possibility to engage in ongoing international collaborations.


Postdoc application: please submit application material [CV, publication list, motivation letter (including past achievements and future plans), and contact details of at least three potential referees] electronically using the subject line “PostDoc2021” to

PhD application: please submit application material [CV, publications (if available), grades from university studies, motivation letter, and contact details of at least one potential referee] electronically using the subject line “PhD2021” to

Applications will be reviewed until the positions are filled.
Starting dates are flexible - the earliest possible starting date is 1st of July 2021.