PostDoc positions in Quantum Resources Group

Application deadline: 

Friday, November 8, 2019

Job type: 

Looking for 2 postdocs to work in the newly established Quantum Resources Group at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland. The official calls can be found at the EURAXESS website: The specific research directions that the group will pursue are described in the Research Agenda that is available here:

The broad aim of the group is to develop a theoretical framework underpinning quantum technologies, with a particular focus on quantum computing and quantum thermodynamics.

The main goals of the group are:

  • Identifying resources responsible for quantum advantage over classical strategies in various information-theoretic and thermodynamic tasks.
  • Characterising allowed resource transformations in different regimes.
  • Finding optimal ways to experimentally implement protocols exhibiting quantum advantage, while taking into account realistic constraints.

These goals will be achieved within three research objectives:

  1. Development of a unified framework for classical simulations of quantum circuits.
  2. Devising feasible thermodynamic protocols exhibiting quantum advantage.
  3. Constructing operational scenarios within the resource theory of coherence.