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We are offering one appointment for a postdoctoral scholar pending funds approval. The scholar will join our group efforts to explore quantum optics, circuit QED, cavity QED, quantum optomechanics, integrated photonics, and optical physics systems and their applications to information technologies at INAOE Monterrey. Particular projects will be discussed with the candidates on an individual basis.
The ideal candidate will have a Ph.D. in physics or engineering with research experience in any of our fields of interest: quantum optics, AMO physics, optical physics, and integrated photonics.
Level: Entry to Experienced.
Duration: One year with one year reappointment.
Funding: INAOE research assistant grant.
Grant: Same as standard CONACYT postdoctoral grant (~22,000 mxn per month, competitive in Mexico).
Location: INAOE Monterrey, Parque de Investigación e Innovación Tecnológica (PIIT) in Apodaca, Nuevo León, México.
Contact information: bmlara(at) Please use the subject: INAOE-Grant Postdoctoral Position inquiry
Deadline for reception of documents: Until funds are available.