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Job type:
We are seeking for an outstanding candidate to join in our project aimed at developing an innovative analytical platform combining optical microscopy, microfluidic devices and IR spectro-microscopy. The development of an optimized microfluidic set-up is one of a key elements of this interdisciplinary project. A new kind of such devices, compatible with both IR spectroscopy and optical microscopy, is required to allow for the observation of live biological samples (e.g. cells and tissues). Moreover, the microfluidic set-up need to be developed in junction with the optical system, which is based on and original approach using quantum correlation for the detection of IR signal (see A. Paterova et al., "Hyperspectral infrared microscopy with visible light", Science Advances, 6(4428), 2020).
Suitable Candidates are expected to have experience in micro/nano fabrication processes, with hands-on practice in clean-room based technologies. Mask design and fabrication, UV lithography, dry etching and soft-lithographic procedures are among the required know-how. Knowledge of optical microscopy and some experience with building systems for setting-up experiments on a microscope is considered as a plus. Excellent communication skills and good team-work attitude are also required, writing scientific reports both for internal documentation and for publication is a component of this job position.
Main Duties and responsibilities:
· Masks design and fabrication
· Devices’ microfabrication and characterization
· Microfluidic set-up and adaptors for biological samples microscopy
· Technical/Scientific reports writing and presentation
Required know-how:
· Mask drawing software (L.-edit, Layout, AutoCAD)
· UV lithography
· Silicon dry/wet etching
· Soft lithography (e.g. PDMS casting)
Minimum Qualifications:
PhD degree in physics, engineering, material science or related disciplines, with minimum 1 year of cleanroom or microfabrication processes experience.