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Subject description
In recent years, atomic gases cooled down to extremely low temperatures have emerged as a playground to explore quantum many-body physics in a highly controlled manner. This has led, on the one hand, to the possibility of systematically exploring known models of condensed matter in the lab, and on the other, that new models, with no counterparts in other fields, can be engineered. As an example of the second, cold atomic gases can be held inside optical cavities and coherently interact with the electromagnetic field confined by the resonator.
Project description
The successful candidate will either work on:
Orbital physics in optical lattices. Here we analyze theoretically models that result from placing cold atoms on excited bands in optical lattices. On these excited bands, the states of the atoms are conveniently described in terms of different ‘orbitals’. Like in other areas where orbital physics emerges, it results in an inherent anisotropic character of the problem. Of particular interest is to map these systems to effective spin models and thereby study new exotic models describing quantum magnetism. This project includes both analytical as well as some numerical work.
Many-body cavity QED. In the second possible project we consider a gas of cold atoms (for example a Bose-Einstein condensate) that interacts with photons inside an optical resonator. Absorption/emission of photons will alter both the internal as well as external (motional) atomic states, and even more interestingly; this process generates an effective infinite-range interaction among the atoms. We are especially interested in the interplay between this ‘light-induced’ interaction and the short-range atom-atom interaction stemming from atomic collisions. This new type of interaction is interesting in order to understand for example multi-partite entangled states, exotic states of matter like glasses or localized states.
The department of Physics is located in the AlbaNova University Center and has approximately 200 employees, 250 students at undergraduate level and 80 graduate students. For information about the Department of Physics see
Education at the research level
A PhD education at Stockholm University is four years (48 months). The 4-year PhD program includes at least 3 years of research and at most one year of course work. The position may be extended by up to 1 year if up to 20% teaching assistance or administration is included in the contract. The PhD student is employed (“doktorandanställning”) during the studies, with a monthly salary starting at SEK 24 100.
The general requirements to be admitted to PhD education are:
an exam at the advanced level (according to the Bologna educational system), or
four years of studies at a university, including one year of courses at the advanced level (according to the Bologna educational system) or the corresponding knowledge acquired in some other way.
In order to be accepted as a PhD student in Physics or Theoretical Physics a BSc in Physics is required. The studies must include advanced courses in physics during one year and an advanced degree project.
The successful applicant will be selected based on documented theoretical and experimental knowledge relevant for the area of study, knowledge of scientific theory and method, analytical skills, personal motivation and team working skills. Well-developed English language skills are required. The applicants are encouraged to provide supporting documents that substantiate qualifications, e.g., knowledge, skills, abilities and experience. References and interviews will be used to assess qualifications of the applicants.
We seek a self-motivated candidate with good analytical abilities and skilled in English.
Stockholm University strives to be a workplace free from discrimination and gives equal opportunities for all.
The decision cannot be appealed.
For additional information, please contact: Lecturer Jonas Larson,
Please attach to the application the following documents (in PDF format):
CV (including methodological skills),
copy of independent project thesis (a detailed description of a project in progress may suffice),
copies of degree certificates,
transcripts of academic records (attested),
contact details for two academic referees,
description of your special interests within the field
A research plan is not needed.
Important: We would like to have recommendation letters sent to us in connection to the application. Therefore, ask your academic referees to send us, via email, recommendation letters not later than May 5th, 2015, according to the following:
In the subject line: SU FV-1072-15 + name of the applicant
In body or in an attachment: Letter of recommendation where the reference number “SU FV-1072-15” is stated
Welcome with your application no later than May 5th, 2015, with the reference number SU FV-1072-15 in the subject line, to: