Shikano group at Institute for Molecular Science, National Institutes of Natural Sciences, located in Okazaki, Aichi, Japan opens the visiting positions from December 1st to March 31st. The visiting period is negotiable but the end of the period, March 31st, 2016 is too restricted. Shikano group is now working on several topics,
1) High-precision Methodology with Weak Measurement
2) Generation Dynamics of Coherent State (e.g. coherent phonon)
3) Stochastic Processes in Several Physical Systems
4) Information Geometry and Thermo Statistical Physics
5) Big Data Analysis on Seismic Motions
Now, the visiting position for young researchers, e.g., the winter internship Ph.D students and visiting posdoc, are expected to the experience or basic knowledgement to raw data analysis. This position will open for the data analysis project. However, the preference of the successful candidate should be considered.
The candidate will send his/her CV, list of publication, and brief statement of research to Yutaka Shikano (