Theory and Experiment

The Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC) is a scientific research institute at the University of Waterloo. The research happening at IQC harnesses the quantum laws of nature in order to develop powerful new technologies and drive future economies.

Quantum Science and Technology (QSciTech) supports wide-ranging research programs (theoretical and experimental) aimed at furthering our understanding of the quantum world, and harnessing its unique capabilities to innovate technological advances that would be impossible by other means.

The quantum optics research sector of INRIM is address to study quantum technologies and foundations of quantum measurements exploiting quantum optical states.
The most relevant recent scientific achievements have been:

The "Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology" is a joint initiative of the University of Vienna, the Vienna University of Technology, and the Austrian Academy of Sciences. It unites quantum physicists of Vienna's research institutions in one collaborative center. The VCQ will set new impulses for research and teaching in quantum science on the basis of the 2nd quantum revolution through its unique spectrum of research topics - from fundamental quantum physics to novel quantum technologies.


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