Theory and Experiment

Chalmers University of Technology

The Optical Telecommunications Group (GTO) is home to the research programs of six faculty members and a state-of-the-art laboratory on optical fiber transmission. We conduct advanced research in high-rate fiber-optic transmission, optical network architectures, advanced lasers for communications, integrated photonics, and distributed optical fiber sensors.

Ultrafast manipulation of coherent phases by long-wavelength photoexcitation

The photoexcitation within time windows shorter than the characteristic times of the relaxation processes drives matter into highly off-equilibrium transient regimes characterized by anomalous energy distribution between electrons, ions, and spins. This can strongly perturb the interaction among the different degrees of freedom and thereby results in the formation of metastable “phases”, not always reachable under quasi-equilibrium adiabatic transformations.

Low-temperature atomic systems manifest phenomena that are strikingly different from classical mechanics. Quantum mechanics implies that energy levels are discrete and this is the foundation of the current definition of the second.

Accuracy and precision of optical clocks are entering a regime where not only single-atom quantum mechanics is crucial, but also quantum many-body phenomena play a relevant role. When going beyond mean-field or perturbative theoretical approaches, their study generically requires massively parallel computation on HPC resources.

Toshiba's Quantum Information Group, based in Cambridge, UK, has been actively involved in quantum technology R&D for over 20 years.

Ulf Peschel is chairholder at the Institute of Solid State Theory and Optics, a Senior Fellow of the Optical Society of America, a member of the Coucil of the Abbe School of Photonics, and Spokesperson of the cooperative research center SFB 1375 „Nonlinear Optics down to Atomic scales (NOA)“.

Quantum Frontier Group (QFG) is a joint research group of two laboratories in the Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering at Hiroshima University in Japan. Our purpose is to combine theoretical and experimental research on quantum systems to achieve a better understanding of quantum mechanics based on actual effects and phenomena in the real world.

Group Leaders:
Prof Holger F Hofmann, Prof Masataka Iinuma

The Coherence and Quantum Technology group exploits its unique combination of cold atom, plasma and beam physics to achieve new understanding and novel applications


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