Submitted by
Adelcamp on Sat, 24/02/2024 - 15:37.
The Quantum Theory group led by Prof. Adolfo del Campo at the University of Luxembourg is seeking a highly talented, diligent, and genuinely motivated young scientist willing to pursue a Ph.D. in Quantum Information Theory in a stimulating research-focused environment. An MSc in Physics or an equivalent degree is required to be considered for this position.
Submitted by
Demko on Thu, 14/04/2022 - 09:56.
24-month Post-doc position will be devoted to the study of fundamental bounds and optimal protocols in quantum metrology in presence of correlated noise models in optical and atomic systems both in single and multiparamter problems.
Post-doc position will be financed under the project “Correlated Noise Effects in Quantum Metrology” financed by the Polish National Science Center under OPUS programme.
Submitted by
Demko on Thu, 07/03/2019 - 13:45.
Description of tasks
Study of fundamental bounds and optimal protocols in quantum metrology in presence of realistic noise models in optical and atomic systems both in single and multiparamter problems as well as investigations of connections between quantum metrology and quantum thermodynamics.
The candidates have to conform to the conditions stated in art. 113 of Higher Education Law dated 20.07.2018 (Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland 2018, item 1668).
Submitted by
chiralpbit on Tue, 13/12/2016 - 15:56.
Application deadline:
Thursday, February 2, 2017
*** Update: Last few days. If you're applying and you need any help, contact us! ***
Competitive PhD position at the ICMol (University of Valencia) within the Program INPhINIT from “La Caixa” foundation
Submitted by
Mzwolak on Wed, 03/03/2010 - 22:44.
We work on theoretical issues related to solid state quantum computing such as coherent control
and decoherence. We are also interested in the role of entanglement in many-body physics.
The solid state systems we are particularly interested in include semiconductor quantum dots,
donors, and superconducting nanocircuits.