Submitted by
pgora on Thu, 05/05/2022 - 00:09.
Submitted by
pgora on Sat, 16/04/2022 - 21:40.
Quantum computing is offering a novel perspective for solving combinatorial optimization problems. To fully explore the possibilities offered by quantum computers, the problems need to be formulated as unconstrained binary models, taking into account limitation and advantages of quantum devices. In this work, we provide a detailed analysis of the Travelling Salesman Problem with Time Windows (TSPTW) in the context of solving it on a quantum computer.
Submitted by
pgora on Tue, 12/04/2022 - 13:02.
Zapraszamy serdecznie na specjalną edycję spotkań Warsaw Quantum Computing Group organizowaną przez Quantum AI Foundation i QPoland z okazji World Quantum Day (14.04.2022).
Paweł Gora i Oskar Słowik wygłoszą wykład "Wprowadzenie do informatyki kwantowej". Spotkanie odbędzie się zdalnie 14.04.2022 w godz. 14:04-4:14(pm) CEST (termin i godziny spotkania nie są przypadkowe: 4.14 to przybliżenie wartości stałej Plancka: :) ).
Submitted by
pgora on Mon, 28/03/2022 - 22:32.
Would you like to know how reinforcement learning may enhance quantum technologies?
If so, we invite you to attend (online-only) Episode XXXIX of the Warsaw Quantum Computing Group meetup, on 11.04.2022, 18:00 CEST! This time, Marcin Płodzień will give a talk on "Reinforcement Learning for Quantum Technologies".
Submitted by
pgora on Wed, 23/03/2022 - 00:30.