quantum computing

Submission deadline: 

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Post-Doctoral fellowships at the Institute for Quantum Computing

The Institute for Quantum Computing is inviting applications for postdoctoral positions in all aspects of quantum information processing, bridging areas from fundamental theory to physical implementations.

Our mission is to aggressively explore and advance the application of quantum mechanical systems to a vast array of relevant information processing techniques. We will accomplish this by creating a truly unique environment that fosters cutting-edge research and collaboration between researchers in the areas of computer, engineering, mathematical and physical sciences.

The Quantum Information Theory Group QUIT in Pavia (www.qubit.it) is searching for highly motivated postdoctoral scientists to join the young and dynamic research team led by Giacomo M. D'Ariano at the "A. Volta" Physics Department of the University of Pavia (www.unipv.it)

We work on theoretical issues related to solid state quantum computing such as coherent control
and decoherence. We are also interested in the role of entanglement in many-body physics.
The solid state systems we are particularly interested in include semiconductor quantum dots,
donors, and superconducting nanocircuits.

Quantum Technology at Queens (QTeQ) researches into the field of quantum information processing and quantum optics applications.

The SQC group is active in the field of Quantum computing with superconducting devices, in particular phase and flux qubits based on SQUIDs, and in fields related to these topics.

The IFN is an institute of the Italian CNR devoted to the study and fabrication of advanced devices for photonics, optoelectronics and electronics. Nanotechnologies play a prominent role in these research fields. The combined expertise in nanofabrication, materials and photonics creates a synergy able to compete in this very new and challenging field.

A list of recent papers:

Head: Artur Ekert
Institution: Centre for Quantum Computation , DAMTP Wilberforce Road Cambridge CB3 0WA, U.K.
E-mail: K.K.Hampson (at) damtp.cam.ac.uk

quantum cryptography, quantum computing, quantum information science, entanglement and nonlocality theory, topological quantum computation, quantum foundations

Permanent Staff
Nilanjana Datta

Artur Ekert
Adrian Kent
Johan Aberg
Dimitris Angelakis
Garry Bowen
Matthias Christandl
Roger Colbeck
Marie Ericsson
Berry Groisman
Lawrence Ioannou
Alastair Kay
Lluis Masanes
Graeme Mitchison


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