quantum control

Registration deadline: 

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

The 2016 International Summer School on Quantum Information Computing & Control (QuICC) will be held between the 29th August and 2nd September at Lancaster University. This event is organised by students from the doctoral training centres at Imperial College London. It aims to bring together experimental and theoretical physicists studying quantum phenomena in a variety of systems.

The development of technologies for the 21st century, coupled with fundamental scientific inquiry, is driving new theoretical and experimental research on control in quantum systems. Experience has shown that systematic use of quantum control theory leads to significant improvements in technologies ranging from magnetic resonance to prototype quantum computers. Compelling case studies of quantum control have been developed in wide-ranging fields such as chemistry, metrology, optical networking and computer science.

Since its beginnings one of the main purposes of thermodynamics has been the optimization of devices. Commonly, processes are characterized as optimal if they are maximally fast or maximally efficient. Recent years have seen the development of various theoretical tools which tremendously broadened our understanding of such optimal processes, in quantum mechanics and in classical physics. A particular highlight are so-called shortcuts to adiabaticity -- finite time processes that mimic adiabatic dynamics without the requirement of slow driving.

Submission deadline: 

Friday, November 14, 2014

Registration deadline: 

Friday, November 14, 2014

The workshop will cover a broad range of topics in quantum control, from fundamental questions to technological applications. It will consist of a first part focused on information-theoretic aspects of quantum control and complexity, and a second part focused on experimental challenges and nuclear magnetic resonance applications.

The workshop will gather experts and early stage researchers, fostering discussions and exchanges. There will be tutorial lectures, invited and contributed talks, a poster session, and an industry session.



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