quantum cryptography

Registration deadline: 

Thursday, April 29, 2010

The application for the second workshop on Theory and Realisation of Practical Quantum Key Distribution (TropicalQKD 2010), to be held at the Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo, Waterloo ON, Canada, is now open.

The workshop is devoted to all aspects of practical QKD, focussing on the latest developments in all its subfields. The workshop will bring together experimentalists and theoreticians who are interested in efficient and practical implementations of QKD.

Quitemad is a consortium of five groups working in different aspects of QIPC in the region of Madrid. This project is a four year coordinated action funded by the regional goverment. Apart from research in technological and theoretical aspects of of quantum information theory, the consortium is strongly devoted to the development of a four year program of activities, such as workshops, conferences, seminars and scientific exchange between local and international groups.

Laboratory of Quantum Information Processing and Cryptography was founded in Autumn of 2004. Research in Laboratory is aimed especially on information aspects of quantum information processing, in particular quantum cryptography, information theory, quantum communication and algorithms. Theoretical aspects of classical cryptography, especially problems solvable with security that can be proved with help of information theory, are studied as well.

Quantum Technology at Queens (QTeQ) researches into the field of quantum information processing and quantum optics applications.

ERATO-SORST Quantum Computation and Information Project, funded by Japan Science and Technology (JST) Agency, conducts wide area of research related to quantum information science. We proceed our studies in collaboration with active research groups on quantum information theory and experiment in U. Tokyo, NII, NEC Labs, and other research organizations.

Head: Artur Ekert
Institution: Centre for Quantum Computation , DAMTP Wilberforce Road Cambridge CB3 0WA, U.K.
E-mail: K.K.Hampson (at) damtp.cam.ac.uk

quantum cryptography, quantum computing, quantum information science, entanglement and nonlocality theory, topological quantum computation, quantum foundations

Permanent Staff
Nilanjana Datta

Artur Ekert
Adrian Kent
Johan Aberg
Dimitris Angelakis
Garry Bowen
Matthias Christandl
Roger Colbeck
Marie Ericsson
Berry Groisman
Lawrence Ioannou
Alastair Kay
Lluis Masanes
Graeme Mitchison


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