quantum networks

There are two PhD positions currently advertised in the Insititute for Informatics at the University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway. These positions are advertised across disciplines in computer science so if you want to apply to do a PhD on the mathematical theory of quantum information, quantum machine learning, quantum computing, and/or quantum networks, or related topics, then please mention that you would like to work with Professor Matthew G. Parker.
For more questions regarding possible research topics then please feel free email him at:

A PhD position is available on the enabling technologies for long-distance trust-free QKD networks. This is one of the 15 positions available at the innovative training network QCALL (Quantum Communications for ALL), funded by the EU Marie-Sklodowska Curie Programme. These are very well-funded doctoral positions with annual salaries plus allowance roughly ranging from €52,000-€58,000 in Leeds. You will be employed by the University of Leeds for three years. Your PhD tuition fees will also be waived by the University.


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