2 PhD positions in Quantum Information/Computing/Machine Learning, Institute for Informatics, University of Bergen, Norway

Application deadline: 

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Job type: 


There are two PhD positions currently advertised in the Insititute for Informatics at the University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway. These positions are advertised across disciplines in computer science so if you want to apply to do a PhD on the mathematical theory of quantum information, quantum machine learning, quantum computing, and/or quantum networks, or related topics, then please mention that you would like to work with Professor Matthew G. Parker.
For more questions regarding possible research topics then please feel free email him at:

Please apply via this website:

Note that qualifications in theoretical physics or any other area related to the topics is also valid.

The two PhD positions are for four years including some TA duties. The positions are relatively well-paid compared to most other countries.
