quantum optics

Our group conducts research on atomic, molecular, and optical physics, the foundations of quantum mechanics, photonic band gap and meta materials, quantum information theory, quantum complexity theory, quantum error correction, quantum optics, optical quantum computing, quantum sensors, quantum imaging, and relativistic quantum information theory.

Our goal in the Centre for Quantum Photonics is to explore fundamental aspects of quantum mechanics, as well as work towards future photonic quantum technologies by generating, manipulating and measuring single photons as well as the quantum systems that emit these photons, with a focus on scalable integrated optics devices.

Lead by Prof. Jeremy O'Brien, the Centre spans the School of Physics, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, and the Centre for Nanoscience and Quantum Information, at the University of Bristol, UK.

Follow us on Twitter, at @CQPB.

One Ph.D. postion in theoretical quantum optics in the group of Anders S. Sørensen. For further details see

A 2-year Postdoctoral position in Theoretical Quantum Optics of Quantum Many-Body Systems is available at the University of Oxford. The deadline is 19 May 2013.

The project’s target is merging quantum optics and many-body physics of ultracold quantum gases, using theoretical methods of atomic and condensed matter physics. The post-holder will address phenomena, where the quantum natures of both light and ultracold matter play equally important roles.


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