Quantum Simulation and Quantum Computation

Application deadline: 

Friday, April 30, 2021

We are seeking a motivated doctoral student to join our team and carry out experimental research on "Programmable quantum registers via stroboscopic Rydberg excitation”. The PhD is fully funded for three years as part of the MSCA ITN Molecular Quantum Simulations, and involves planned secondments with collaborators in Italy and Germany.

Submission deadline: 

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Registration deadline: 

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Dear Colleagues,

We are glad to announce an international workshop on "Quantum Simulation and Computation” to be held in ICMAT-CSIC, Cantoblanco Univ. Campus, Madrid, 14-18 October 2019.

The Quantum Simulation and Computation 2019 is the seventh iteration of a conference series that started in Benasque in 2011.
The conference deals with the short, mid- and long-term goals and applications of quantum simulators and quantum computers, with a strong focus on current and upcoming technologies and state-of-the-art algorithmic developments.

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