# qutip # quantum software #open quantum systems #open source software #riken #japan #quantum computing #quantum optics #compilers
Application deadline:
Saturday, September 18, 2021
Technical Staff for QuTiP
About this job This is a job post for a [one]-year job opportunity to work on maintaining and improving QuTiP (the Quantum Toolbox in Python). Compensation is competitive with academic community standards and will depend on the candidate experience (PhD graduate or not, etc.). The candidate will work at RIKEN, Wako campus, Japan, within the Theoretical Quantum Physics Laboratory, RIKEN Cluster for Pioneering Research (Laboratory head: Franco Nori, Chief Scientist). RIKEN is Japan’s basic science research institute. Wako is located in the Tokyo suburban area. You will coordinate with the QuTiP admin developers, under the supervision of Prof. Franco Nori.