rare-earth ions

Application deadline: 

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

We are seeking motivated students with excellent problem-solving skills and a passion for quantum engineering and physics. You will be part of a well funded initiative to create quantum networks of superconducting circuits mediated by telecom photons.

Welcome to Qove Laboratory! We are a research team located at the National University of Singapore and focused on designing and building Quantum Technologies with an emphasis on Quantum Networks. Our experimental platforms include superconducting circuits, rare-earth ions in solid-state and integrated photonics. Contact us to know more about our exciting projects and how you can be a part of it!

Application deadline: 

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

We are currently recruiting PhD students in three different areas of experimental quantum physics. All three positions are fully funded, with a yearly salary of about €33000, with access to Sweden’s strong social security net.

The areas are 1) cavity QED microscope for single molecules, 2) Quantum computing in rare-earth crystals, 3) slow and fast light applications, described in more detail below.

1) Quantum optics in the context of chemical physics

Submission deadline: 

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Registration deadline: 

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

We are pleased to announce that the International conference on Quantum Light Matter Interaction in Solid State System (QLIMS 2015) will be held from November 9 to 13, 2015 in Barcelona, Spain.

Application deadline: 

Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Technical University of Dortmund has an opening for a PostDoc working on the implementation of photonic quantum memories on the basis of rare-earth ion crystals. The successful candidate should design an implement experiments that store photons in the crystals, convert them to nuclear spin degrees of freedom and protect them against environmental perturbations. The project is integrated in the EU-ITN CIPRIS (http://www.cipris.eu/).

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