Submitted by kutluer on Mon, 31/08/2015 - 23:18.
Organising group(s):
Quantum Information Science, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Leeds
Web page:
Registration deadline:
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Submission deadline:
Sunday, September 13, 2015
We are pleased to announce that the International conference on Quantum Light Matter Interaction in Solid State System (QLIMS 2015) will be held from November 9 to 13, 2015 in Barcelona, Spain.
QLIMS is organized in the framework of the EU Initial Training Network CIPRIS (Coherent Information Processing in Rare-Earth Ion doped Solids). The goal of the conference is to gather the worldwide community working on quantum information processing and quantum optics with rare-earth doped solids, and also on other optically addressable solid state qubits, such as, for example, color centers in diamonds.
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