time metrology

Scope of work:
We are looking for a co-investigator in a H2020 EURAMET EMPIR 18SIB05 ROCIT „Robust Optical Clocks for International Timescales” project. The goal of our group is to improve the robustness of optical clocks so that they can run unattended for long periods. More information on http://empir.npl.co.uk/rocit/ and http://famo.fizyka.umk.pl/kl-famo-umk/research-umk/optical-atomic-clock/ pages.

Scope of work:
We are looking for a co-investigator in a H2020 EURAMET EMPIR 18SIB05 ROCIT „Robust Optical Clocks for International Timescales” project. The goal of our group is to improve the robustness of optical clocks so that they can run unattended for long periods. More information on http://empir.npl.co.uk/rocit/ and http://famo.fizyka.umk.pl/kl-famo-umk/research-umk/optical-atomic-clock/ pages.

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