single photon sources

Application deadline: 

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Your Mission
We offer a full-time or part-time position in the Physical Foundations of IT Security team within the Terahertz and Laser Spectroscopy Department in the DLR Institute of Optical Sensor Systems. Our research interest is the realization of physical model systems for photonic and quantum information processing. This includes quantum light sources and quantum memories for repeater-based quantum communication and optical quantum computing, but also optical neuromorphic computing architectures for artificial intelligence.

The Diamond Nanoscience group is based in the Department of Physics and Astronomy of Macquarie University, close to Sydney. We are part of the Centre of Excellence for Engineered Quantum Systems. The group involves cross-disciplinary research activity including the growth and the post-processing of nanodiamonds for their application in emerging fields of single particle probing, of magnetic nanosensors and microscopy. The studies undertaken include the use of fundamental quantum optics experiments, material science experiments and a combination of chemical physics approaches.

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