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Atomtronics@Catania2020: Model design for atomtronics-enabled quantum technology”, March 18-- March 20
Venue: Dip. di Fisica e Astronomia/INFN-Laboratori Nazionali del Sud, Catania (Italy), Aula E. Migneco (Foresteria LNS).
Luigi Amico (Universita’ di Catania-CNR-INFN & Centre for quantum technologies, Singapore)
Anna Minguzzi (Universite’ Grenoble Alpes & CNRS Grenoble)
Chrstian Miniatura (Centre for quantum technologies, Singapore & MajuLab)
Andrea Trombettoni (SISSA, Trieste)
Giacomo Roati (CNR-INO & LENS, Firenze)
Giuseppe Angilella, Wayne Chetcuti (Universita’ di Catania) – Local organizers.
The goal of the meeting is to follow up recent achievements in cold atoms quantum technology with a particular focus on atomtronics.We gather experimentalists and theorists active in the field. Conceptual and applicative aspects of atomic circuits and networks for diverse exploitations will be covered, both to extend the scope of the existing atom-based quantum devices and to devise platforms for new routes to quantum technology (quantum information, quantum simulation, quantum metrology, etc.)
The meeting will offer 7-8 seminars per day. One colloquim open to all collegues and undergraduate students on the general theme of the conference will be organized. No conference fee for registered participants is required.
Due to the limited size of the venue, about 60 partipants will be admitted.
Invited Speakers.
Veronica Ahufingher (Barcelona)
Tony Apollaro (Malta)
Gregory Astrakarchik (Barcelona)
Gerhard Birkl (TUD)
Malcolm Boshier (Los Alamos)
Jean Philippe Brantut (EPFL)
Donatella Cassettari (UK)
Roberta Citro (Salerno)
Marcello Dalmonte (SISSA)
Romain Dubessy (Paris)
Denis Feinberg (Grenoble)
Barry Garraway (Sussex)
Tobias Haug (Singapore)
Leong-Chuan Kwek (Singapore)
Boris Malomed (Tel Aviv)
Simone Montangero (Padova)
Arianna Montorsi (Torino)
Oliver Morsch (Pisa)
Piero Naldesi (Grenoble)
Tyler Neely (Brisbane)
Maxim Olshanii (Boston)
Lorenzo Piroli (MPI)
Nick Proukakis (Newcastle)
Davide Rossini (Pisa)
Yoav Sagi (Israiel)
Francesco Scazza (LENS)
Thorsten Schumm (TUWIEN)
Wolf von Klitzing (FORTH)
Please share this with friends and colleagues … :)
Due to the limited size of
Submitted by lamico on
Due to the limited size of the venue, about 60 partipants will be admitted.