Spectral & Spatial Engineering of Quantum Light 30 March – 1 April 2016, Warsaw, Poland



Registration deadline: 

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Submission deadline: 

Sunday, March 13, 2016



Faculty of Physics
Stefana Banacha 2C
52° 12' 40.4208" N, 20° 59' 3.2532" E

We would like to advertise a limited number of places at the workshop on Spectral and Spatial Engineering of Quantum Light (SSEQL), which will be held at the University of Warsaw from 30. March to 1. April 2016. The workshop is organized within the PhoQuS project and focuses on exploring the spectral-temporal and spatial degree of freedom of light for multidimensional photonic quantum information encoding and processing. The list of invited speakers includes:

Imad Agha (Dayton)
Marco Bellini (Florence)
Benjamin Brecht (Oxford)
Maria Chekhova (Erlangen)
Ivo Degiovanni (INRiM, Turin)
Fedor Jelezko (Ulm)
Jonathan Lavoie (Geneva)
Joseph Lukens (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Serge Massar (Brussels)
Nobuyuki Matsuda (NTT Basic Research Labs)
Peter Mosley (Bath)
Eugene Polzik (Copenhagen)
Sven Ramelow (Vienna)
Yaron Silberberg (Weizmann)
Brian Smith (Oxford)
André Stefanov (Bern)
Robert Thew (Geneva)
Nicolas Treps (UPMC Paris)
Franco Wong (MIT)

We welcome a limited number of oral contributions from experienced researchers (having completed or about to complete their PhD). Please send abstracts (up to 300 words) to michal.karpinski@fuw.edu.pl and radek.lapkiewicz@fuw.edu.pl. The deadline for applications is 13 March 2016. Preference will be given to applications from the University of Warsaw.

There is no workshop fee.

Michał Karpiński & Radek Łapkiewicz