Submitted by
appu0507 on Tue, 31/01/2017 - 07:32.
Submission deadline:
Wednesday, February 15, 2017
Registration deadline:
Wednesday, February 15, 2017
Topics in Quantum Machine Learning
Special Session at the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics
October 5–8, 2017, Banff Center, Banff, Canada
Outline and Motivation
Submitted by
marcotom on Sun, 29/01/2017 - 03:32.
A fully-funded PhD student scholarship is available to work at the Centre for Quantum Software and Information with the University of Technology Sydney in downtown Sydney. The student, who has a strong background and interest in applied mathematics, will do research under my supervision to further develop the mathematical foundations of quantum information theory and to explore applications to quantum cryptography and quantum Shannon theory. More information about my research can be found on my website:
Quantum simulation has recently established itself as an area of study in quantum physics that merges fundamental and applied questions. Such an interaction results in a more operational understanding of some aspects of quantum mechanics in terms of nature description. The idea to simulate the dynamics of a quantum system by a quantum device was first introduced by Richard Feynman in a seminal article in 1982 and developed in different frameworks, from quantum optics to condensed matter physics.
Submitted by
emllena on Thu, 26/01/2017 - 16:14.
QuantERA, a new European Research Area Network (ERA-NET) Cofund initiative launched its first joint transnational call (Call 2017) for proposals worth € 34 M in support of transnational research in the field of Quantum Information and Communication Sciences and Technologies (Q-ICST) on January 13th, 2017. Thirty research funding organisations from 26 countries throughout take part in the Call that has a deadline for pre-proposals on the 15th of March 2015.
Submitted by
emllena on Thu, 26/01/2017 - 16:11.
Submission deadline:
Friday, February 10, 2017
Registration deadline:
Friday, February 10, 2017
On February 16th, 2017 QuantERA infoday accompanied by a networking event for potential proposers within QuantERA Call 2017 will take place in Malta.
QuantERA is a new European Research Area Network (ERA-NET) in the field of Quantum Technologies (QT) established as an answer to the growing need for collaborative endeavours and a common funding scheme in this field of research.
Submitted by
egauger on Tue, 24/01/2017 - 23:24.
A broad range of PhD projects with a focus on experimental as well as theoretical quantum science are available through the Scottish Condensed Matter Doctoral Training Centre. Full details about the project and application procedure can be found on the CM-DTC website: .
Submitted by
dmanzano on Tue, 24/01/2017 - 11:22.
The aim of this meeting is to bring together scientists interested in Quantum aspects of Thermalization, Quantum Transport, Quantum Effects in Macroscopic Systems (condensed matter, biology, etc.), Quantum Computation, Open Quantum Systems, Quantum Fluctuations and Large Deviations, and Quantum Thermodynamics.
Main speakers:
Submitted by
GMoller on Fri, 20/01/2017 - 17:17.
A PhD scholarship is available for research in topologically ordered phases and their use in quantum devices and topological quantum computation.
Submitted by
jneer on Thu, 19/01/2017 - 10:27.
Do not miss out this year’s Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics!
It will take place 26-30 June 2017 at the Department of Physics, Technical University of Denmark, in the beautiful surroundings of Lyngby (near Copenhagen). Some information about the event can be found at the address . The conference is preceded by a PhD summer school in optical quantum technology.
The many body problem
How is it possible that the same and simple constituent atoms, when joined together, produce such a beautiful and diverse world? One can see this as a consequence of collective emergence, an aspect of physics relevant to several disciplines, from statistical physics to condensed matter, to high energy physics.
Tensor Networks