Submitted by
rkl124 on Fri, 02/07/2021 - 12:38.
We offer a 2-years post-doctoral position (with possible extension up to 4 years) for a motivated experimental researcher to join our work on quantum noise squeezing for the advanced gravitational wave detectors and related quantum information processing.
Where: the research will be carried out in the Quantum Optics Lab at National Tsing Hua University (Hsinchu, Taiwan) and in KAGRA (Japan)
Who: we are looking for a researcher with a passion for experimental science and a background in quantum technology.
Submitted by
jankolo on Thu, 01/07/2021 - 19:59.
Quantum Information and Inference laboratory (QI2-lab) led by Jan Kolodynski at the Centre of New Technologies (CeNT) of the University of Warsaw offers a postdoctoral position within the project Continuously Monitored Quantum Sensors: Smart Tools and Applications (C'MON-QSENS!) funded by the QuantERA EU programme in Quantum Technologies. The appointment will be for two years with a possible one-year extension option.
Submitted by
cbonato on Wed, 30/06/2021 - 16:15.
We offer a 2-years post-doctoral position (with possible extension) for a motivated experimental researcher to join our work on spin qubits in silicon carbide and diamond. Our goal is to push the limits in controlling individual electron and nuclear spins by utilising advances signal processing techniques such as adaptive Bayesian estimation and deep learning.
Submitted by
slodicka on Fri, 25/06/2021 - 15:08.
A PhD and postdoctoral positions are available at the Faculty of Science at the Palacky University in Olomouc as a part of the national project EXPRO (Projects of Excellence in Basic Research) of Czech Science Foundation.
Submitted by
Burgarth on Tue, 22/06/2021 - 00:39.
Nori’s group at RIKEN (in a nice suburb right outside Tokyo, Japan) is seeking Postdoctoral Researchers and Research Scientists working on (1) quantum computing using superconducting circuits, and/or (2) AI machine learning applied to quantum physics.
Our top priorities are now: (1) quantum computing using superconducting qubits, (2) coherent Ising machines, and (3) neural networks and machine learning applied to quantum physics. Candidates with prior experience in these topics will have priority.