
Applications are invited for Government of Ireland Postdoc scholarships in Theoretical Quantum Computer Science, working with Dr. Michael Mc Gettrick at the National University of Ireland, Galway. Particular interests are in Quantum Walks and Quantum Games, but anyone with research interests in theoretical areas of Quantum Computing is welcome to apply.

A postdoctoral research position to undertake theoretical research on “Quantum Thermodynamics” for 30 months from 01/05/2020 to 31/10/2022 is open for applications until 03/01/2020. This post will be funded by an EPSRC grant entitled “Quantum Many-Body Engines” awarded to Dr. Gabriele De Chiara. The project will be conducted in collaboration with experimental groups working on ultracold atomic setups with the aim of designing and realising experimentally quantum thermodynamic machines.
To apply follow this link:

Research Associate in Quantum Imaging at Imperial College London

- Job description
Applications are invited for two Postdoctoral Research Associates to join the Quantum Imaging research team in the Department of Physics. The posts will be associated with UK’s Quantum Imaging Hub. Applicants will be enthusiastic experimentalists and/or theorists with experience in quantum optics or nonlinear optics.

Applicants with a PhD degree in condensed matter or atomic, molecular, and optical physics are invited to apply for a postdoctoral research position in the group of Prof. Mohammad Maghrebi in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Michigan State University. The position is available from September 15, 2019 and is open until filled. The candidates will participate in the theoretical research broadly defined in many-body quantum systems, dynamics, and non-equilibrium phenomena. Information about Prof.

The University of Sydney invites applications for a Postdoctoral Research Associate to participate in a research programme investigating quantum simulation using the trapped-ion architecture, especially for the simulation of chemical processes. The successful candidate will develop new theoretical techniques for quantum simulation of a range of chemical and physical processes and collaborate with experimentalists to enable the experimental demonstration of new methods.


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