For the MPG funded project “Tunable complexity with Rydberg impurities in Bose-Einstein condensates” and the prospective CEFIPRA funded project “QWalker” the group of Dr. Sebastian Wüster is seeking post-doctoral candidates.
Submitted by
Mstobinska on Sat, 09/11/2019 - 19:10.
We are looking for a highly motivated and talented postdoc willing to join the team undertaking the "First Team" research project entitled "Integrated optics in time-frequency domain: a new versatile platform for quantum technologies", funded by the Foundation for Polish Science. The project aims at research in the field of theoretical condensed matter as well as theoretical and experimental quantum optics.
Submitted by
remigiusz on Thu, 07/11/2019 - 22:17.
We are seeking a talented and motivated postdoctoral researcher to work in the field of quantum information theory in the group led by Remigiusz Augusiak. This position will be based at the Center for Theoretical Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw (Poland) and is funded by the Foundation for Polish Science within the First TEAM programme.
This is a fixed term position until April 2021 to start preferably from January 2020.
Submitted by
mdbarrett on Wed, 06/11/2019 - 04:41.
Applications are invited for postdoctoral positions in experimental atomic physics at the Centre for Quantum Technologies (CQT), Singapore. Three positions are available within the research group of Murray Barrett, located at CQT on the campus of the National University of Singapore. Research is focused on the development of an optical atomic clock with singly ionized lutetium.
Submitted by
ofir on Sun, 03/11/2019 - 18:42.
The HCTPA seeks to fill two postdoctoral positions in theoretical and computational AMO physics to commence in 2019-2020:
* One position is designated for the topic of out-of-equilibrium dynamics and excitations of Bose-Einstein condensates.
* One position is designated for the topic of mixtures and impurities in ultra-cold systems.
The initial appointment is for one year with the possibility of an extension to a second year.
The salary is according to the University of Haifa post-doc scale.